'The Real Moll Flanders:
18th Century Criminal Trials and Punishment’. Part 1 the sources
Defoe’s Moll Flanders was published in 1722 and for the historian
illustrates the relationship between gender and the emerging consumer society. The
availability of luxury textiles and accessories allowed Moll to dress above her
rank, which in turn provided opportunities for her to commit acts of theft. Moll’s involvement in pickpocketing and shoplifting were opportunistic
activities and in the eighteenth century a common theme in the court room and press was an association between pickpocketing
and prostitution. Defoe
based the character from his own observations of infamous female thieves
appearing before the Old Bailey.
Crimes at this time were divided between
misdemeanours and felonies. In terms of theft, the distinction was between a
petty and grand larceny. A petty larceny was theft of an item or items valued
at one shilling or less and was generally punishable by whipping, the pillory and,
occasionally, a short term in the gaol or house of correction, although, before
1780 prisons were really for debtors rather than criminals. A grand larceny
concerned theft over one shilling and attracted the death penalty, though first
offenders might claim ‘benefit of clergy’ and, before 1718, any man or women claiming that benefit would be branded and
released. By the eighteenth century the term benefit
of clergy was something of a nonsense as it was available to men and women,
irrespective of whether they could read or recite the ‘neck verse’ (Psalm 51,
verse 1) which had been the test in the seventeenth century. Generally it was only for a second or third offence that the death sentence might be called for.![]() |
Moll in Bridewell www.londonlives.org/images, accessed 30 August 2013. |
saw a significant change in the law. The Act of 1718 for the further Preventing
Robbery, Burglary and other Felonies and for the more effectual Transportation
of Felons made transportation to America for seven years or more the statutory
punishment for those who successfully pleaded benefit of clergy and for a range
of common law felonies. While the sentencing
judge at the assizes might impose the death penalty on those convicted of the
most serious offences, or repeat offenders, very few men and no women were
capitally punished for theft in Yorkshire. [Periods examined cover 1735-1745
and 1765-1775]. Instead, most capital convicts were recommended for mercy by
the assize judge, which was invariably granted, and the convict re-sentenced to
transportation for 7 or 14 years, and occasionally for life.
Those who were
capitally punished for theft were most often horse thieves who operated in
gangs (such as Dick Turpin) or those convicted of burglary, as it was an attack
on the home at a time when property was valued more highly than the individual.
Putting this into perspective, while a thief might be sent to America for 7 years
for the theft of goods valued at over one shilling, the sentence
for manslaughter remained as branding on the left hand. Transportation to America ended following the war of Independence.
Building up the story from the records is not straight-forward, it requires patience and tenacity in wading through the range of possible sources. Records for the quarter sessions are held at local county record offices, these are becoming increasingly available on-line, and some parts of the country are more advanced in digitising there records than others. Other than the Old Bailey, assize records are held at the National Archives. Where they survive, the records for the rest of England can be found in the ASSI series and are filed by county. Appeals from sentencing decisions at the assizes for England and Wales can be found in the SP (State Papers).
case of female thief, Hester Norton, found in The National Archives demonstrates the
range of records reviewed to build up details of the case. The records of the
business of the assizes are scattered across a range of collections and not all
collections are complete. Witness statements (depositions) for Yorkshire were
found in series ASSI 45/20/2. Court records of the
case, conviction and sentence were in ASSI 41/2 and ASSI 41/3. The Appeal from
the capital conviction can be found in SP36/39 and SP44/83. In other cases, details
of fines imposed and recognisances/sureties forfeited may be found in the estreat rolls in TNA series E (Exchequer).
Copies of indictments (charges) and traverses (challenges to indictments) may
be found in TNA series KB (King’s Bench). As yet, few of these records are catalogued
at item level and are therefore difficult to research.
Newspapers reports rarely
contain any information beyond the names of individuals appearing before or
sentenced at the assizes with one or two words of description. For the most
notorious crimes, usually rape or murder, some Broadsides were produced
reporting on the trial in some detail. Few cases heard outside
London were reported in printed form but some printed articles have survived
and can be found in the British Library, Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO).
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